On Feb. 4 Rancho Palos Verdes city council will receive the latest updates on geologic conditions in the landslide area, the city’s stabilization efforts, and how winterization measures have performed during recent rainfall.
The council will review a conceptual plan from the Abalone Cove Landslide Abatement District or ACLAD to drill 8-10 new deep dewatering wells in its boundaries using financial assistance from the city. The Council previously approved providing a $1.6 million loan and in-kind services to ACLAD for landslide mitigation work. Additional financial assistance that may be needed for the new dewatering wells could be considered at a future meeting when more information on costs and the project timeline is available.
The council will also consider extending by 60 days the temporary prohibition of bicycles, motorcycles, and other similar wheeled vehicles from an approximately two-mile stretch of Palos Verdes Drive South from Wayfarers Chapel to Schooner Drive. Although ground movement in the area has decreased since the temporary prohibition was put in place in June 2024, the land is still moving up to 4 inches per week in certain areas along the roadway and pavement conditions remain poor. If the temporary prohibition is extended, the council will revisit it in two months.
Whether or not the council extends the prohibition, bicyclists and motorcyclists should consider voluntarily avoiding this stretch of Palos Verdes Drive South out of an abundance of caution.
Finally, the council will consider extending the local emergency declarations in the landslide area that were put in place to bolster the city’s response to the land movement and utility shutoffs. Both declarations must be extended every 60 days to remain in effect.
A staff report (PDF) with more information is available on the City website.
Meeting Info: Watch live on RPVtv’s YouTube channel, at rpvca.gov, or on Cox 33/FiOS 38. To participate in public comment during the meeting, fill out a speaker slip if you are attending in person, or complete a form online at rpvca.gov/participate to participate virtually or leave a pre-recorded voice message. Email your comments on this topic to cc@rpvca.gov.
Time: 7 p.m., Feb. 4
Venue: McTaggart Hall at Hesse Park, 29301 Hawthorne Boulevard Rancho Palos Verdes and via Zoom.