The Long Beach City Council, voted 8–0, Councilwoman Suja Lowenthal absent, to refer a proposals to revise a city code regarding the door-to-door solicitors and handbills to the Housing and Neighborhoods Committee for discussion with business community that potentially would be affected.
The code would include provisions for commercial solicitors to display their licenses, permits and identifications; requiring that advertisement materials contain contact information; allowing residents to post “No Trespassing” and “No Solicitation” signs to keep door-to-door solicitors from disturbing residents and posting advertising materials on private property; and establishing a “No Soliciting” registry.
The city attorney would have to investigate the legality of a “no solicitation” registry for residents trying to avoid the accumulation of handbills and advertisements left by door-to-door solicitors on their property.
The measure is modeled off of a similar program in Newport Beach, if implemented would not focus on newspapers and non-profit organizations, but commercial businesses such as realtors, gardeners, and local restaurants.
Councilwoman Gerrie Schipske compared the measure to “Do Not Call” registry used to limit the number of telemarketing calls made to private residences by posting a sign or sticker on their window that reads: “Do Not Post, Do Not Knock.”
The proposed ordinance would mandate that businesses get a permit through the city’s business license in order to solicit door-to-door.
“The business license will give solicitors a list of those who have registered…and they are informed that those addresses are not to be solicited,” Schipske said.
“Here’s my concern…When you look at the small businesses…their distribution challenges would be significant if this were enacted,” said 8th District councilwoman Rae Gabelich. “That’s putting a greater burden on those small businesses.”